Terrorpunk: A term/subculture surrounding the acceptance and embracing of the irrational fear others feel surrounding your identity/identities, and rejection of the notion that difference is something to be feared.

For all those with identities that put others on edge. People with parts of them commonly used as horror tropes, people who act "unnatural" and put others off, people with stigmatized "scary" disorders and disabilities, people who have horror and fear intertwined with alterhuman identities, queer identities or anything else that people generally find off-putting or downright terrifying--but in spite of that, don't see any of it as a bad thing, and reclaim the horror that others see in you. This is for you--for the monsters and the freaks and the eldritch abominations.


Black - Darkness is feared by many. There's not necessarily a reason to the fear of the dark itself without outside factors such as what's in it, but people do fear it still because of what it's associated with anyway.Red - All the common stuff, blood, gore--those are things that unite our bodies as being all similar, in a way. Our physical bodies all have blood. Symbolises fear, but also symbolises love, which in context is love of one's self and others like you. Also can symbolise anger at those who reject you.White - Bones and ghosts, scary things like that which are still related to people in general, but also is a kind of neutral colour. A combination of all colours in the visible spectrum of light, representing unity in difference.Heart - Symbol of love, coloured black to represent love of those things that commonly are feared via association, though might not always have the need to be.Claws - Grasping the heart and as monstrous as ever, obtaining and holding and protecting the love that the feared deserve. Red to represent love but also anger directed outward as protection. No marks on the heart and no injury to it despite the claws, because even those with razor sharp talons can use them tenderly.Eye - Involved in common horror tropes, but also represents the noticing and awareness of the way society goes about the "other", and due to its placement that aligns the heart as the pupil/iris, watching over those society deems "scary" with loving intent, terror-inducing traits and all. Red for the same reason as the claws.Alternate, simplified symbols below.